Sunday, October 17, 2021

Silver Linings in a Pandemic

 Charming customer:


Kathy is a kick-ass independant woman who solo travels around the country. She has grown kids, raised them on her own, and now just, well wanders. (See her FB page HERE)

She's absolutely sweet and charming and gracious and was a joy to meet. We hope to see you again, Kathy, if/when you make your way through Albuquerque in your travels!

Here's the profile pic on her page:

(doesn't this just make you want to hit the road?)

Making this week:

The sweater is coming along - a body, a sleeve.

Knitting on the airplane flying to Ohio to visit my daughter, knitting with my daughter in her adorable tiny apartment, and more knitting to come on the flight back to ABQ tomorrow (a few tears while knitting because time with her was too short).....the sweater is coming along!

Learned this week:

Man, do I love the younger generation!  Being around my grad school daughter and her friends this weekend gives me such hope and confidence that the world will be ok.  Yes, they're very different than me at that age, yes, so much has changed in the world.  But this is THEIR time - they have the energy, the intelligence, the caring for their world, the passion to make a mark, a difference.  It's quite breathtaking to be a witness to it all.

Plus, any kid of mine who is a full-fledged adult but still gets just as excited as I do about spotting frogs in a pond is my kind of person:

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