Well, the Fall 2009 Quilt Market came and went, and we at Hip Stitch had to live vicariously through
her and
her and
her, as we couldn't physically be there. Someday,
someday, we'll go, and we'll be like kids in a candy store.
News from the store - the drawing for fat quarters of Amy Butler's
Love Collection is still a week away, and the basket is filling with entries....get yours in! Emily - friend, customer and one stylin' gal, has graciously lent us a quilt top to display, made out of Love fabrics - it's just beautiful. I have the quilting bug, oh I do - but there's sewing, and embroidery, and knitting, and not enough hours in the day!
Projects going on in the lounge lately:
Julie came in to finish sewing her little boy's Batman costume for Halloween. Julie is a recently new sewer, but you wouldn't guess that by looking at the bang-up job she did - she delved right into a pattern and whipped it out!
Julie (another one by the same name) took our serger by storm and stitched up rolled hems for Boy Scout neckerchiefs - around 100 of them (maybe more?). They came out beautifully, and sav

ed her from having to double turn/press/stitch hems in them all.
Tom, a weekly lounger and all-around great guy, is mastering taking in his jeans. He lost some weight, and decided to tackle alterations rather than buying a new wardrobe. Our 1st sessions together in the lounge consisted of many broken needles and thread, and trying to get through multiple layers of denim as he took them in on the sides. He's now actually adding pleats to take them in, and doing an amazing job!
Madeleine, a sweet girl of 10, is taking weekly lessons. She's made a robe and pajama bottoms for her American Girl doll, and we're now starting matching pj bottoms for her. She's focused and motivated and a joy to work with.
And a peek into November......I'm so excited about our artist of the month (we took Oct. off). Kathy brought in some of her hand sewn items to show us this week, and, well, I just don't want to say anymore, but leave
some surprise as they'll be out and for sale during the month of November. Just save some of your Christmas shopping for her items - I know I am!
Sharon Hatcher is back to teach another dressform class in Nov. - woo hoo!
Book of the month:
Last Minute Fabric Gifts. I've been perfecting wool felting for some of the projects.
Ooooh, I just can't wait!