Saturday, November 14, 2009

Damn cancer

That's just how I feel about it. Damn cancer. As I go through life, I know more & more people who are afflicted with it. This week, it was Betty, a customer from day 1 of our opening. She's sweet and gentle and just a lovely lady. I had last seen her about 2 months ago - and when she walked in our door this week with her daughter, I didn't know it was her at first - I was with another customer, and greeted them, and let them browse. Then, Betty came up to the counter, and I saw it was her - with a pink knit cap covering her head. And I looked into her eyes and saw that it was her - without her beautiful white hair. And my heart sank, and I thought, "Damn cancer." She's fighting through it, and I want so badly for her to win the fight.

Today, it reared its ugly head in the body of a 5 yr. old boy, whose grandmother, a dear friend of ours here at Hip Stitch, told us that the family has just been informed he has about 3 months to live. He's fought this disease for a few years now. It seems that the fight is over. Damn, damn cancer.

We're going to do our part to do SOMETHING. Starting in January 2010, Hip Stitch will be forming a group in the lounge, to meet regularly, and make hats, for those who are going through chemotherapy. Hats with style, with flair, with warmth and most importantly, with love. We'll provide the lounge - the patterns - the fabric (though we'll be having our annual fabric exchange in the new year, and asking for donations of fabric to go to making the hats)

More details to follow about our group. In the meantime, pray for those fighting this disease. Pray for a cure. Just pray.


Robyn said...

Very sad. Thank you for doing this hat thing. It will really comfort some people.

Amy Gundelach said...

Making hats is a wonderful way to feel like you are doing SOMETHING to help people with cancer. Thank you for taking the initiative to make a difference in their lives. It may seem like a small act of kindness but it will definently be greatly appreciated! Thank you!