Monday, December 27, 2021

Silver Linings in a Pandemic

At Hip Stitch:

This last week wasn't one where I was on the store floor much.....the holidays, catching up w/office work after being away for a bit, and my daughters home had me occupied!  And as many folks do this time of year, I've done my fair share of reflecting....
A little over a year ago, I offered to any customers interested in meeting weekly in a Zoom group for crafting & companionship.  The world was shut down, we were all in our homes, and I wanted to offer a creative connection.  One year later, we have a steady group of 7-8 of us - now good friends who meet weekly over Zoom (we've changed to name from Craft Hour to Happy Hour, as we moreso just catch up on our lives)  Here's a snip I took when the group just started - most in this pic are still w/the group; a few moved on:

(boy did I need a haircut!) 

I'm so grateful for the group of women I've connected with weekly for a year.  We've collectively laughed, and grieved, and celebrated, and lamented.  We're still crafting, we're reading, we're starting to travel again, and getting together with our families again, and still getting through this pandemic, some days better than others - with the friendship of each other.

Making this week:

Some fun Valentines placemats:


How about this lovely piece, shared by my friend Mary.  Reminders for us all:

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