Nationally known artist/author/designer Rayna Gillman will join us for three one-day workshops next spring, bringing her brand of improv fun and modern design. Workshops will include her very newest, Modern Ethnic, an exploration of how to work with the edgy ethnic fabrics creeping into the quilt world. If solids are not your thing, this one’s for you. And if you adore solids, then consider adding a new “tool” to your design toolkit.
Here's a glimpse of two of Rayna's recent creations with ethnic fabrics. The first meshes ethnic prints with Cherrywood fabrics. The second is one of her WIPs with ethnic prints.
Rayna will also teach No-Pattern Paper Piecing, a fun class “for the imprecise.” It’s a mash-up of paper-piecing and improv. You start with one seam on a paper template, and then it’s all you from there! Here's an example:
And we’ll wrap with Cinderella Quilts, an inspiring, empowering workshop that gives you courage to slice up ugly blocks or ho-hum tops, add fresh fabric and make magic! That icky WIP can turn into something wonderful with a sharp rotary cutter, a little bravery and Rayna’s guidance. Here are samples from a recent Cinderella workshop.
Student Marty Mason started with the two blocks pictured above. Below is her "Cinderella" creation. |
Watch our newsletters and blog for pricing and schedule details!