Well, they're gone - all 3 baby robins have flown the coop....and how sad I am. I checked on them Friday morning, and they were there, plump and fluffy - took the girls to school, went to the store, came home, and.....an empty nest. Maybe this is a small preparation for the real thing in 8-10 years.
Thursday night at the store, Kay, Julie and I made the travel bags from Weekend Sewing. We had begun at the last craft night, but ran out of time. Kay and I used scrap fabric from the lounge; Julie's is in the middle, made with Amy Butler's Lotus Collection - Geisha Fans. This was a fairly simple pattern - once we got the directions down. A few confusing moments!

Our scheduled Spring Soiree may have to be re-adjusted a bit. Scheduled for Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, my kids just came home with flyers for our school's annual Spring Fling on the evening of May 1. Heather and I are both volunteering at this event, and Jen will be there with her family! Thus, the craft show/soiree will be all day Saturday only - maybe extending after hours a bit....I'll be sending out an email about this to customers!
A clarification about Jen's baby.....'Dean' is her last name, not his name.....we're privy to his name, but will reveal it when he's born, which we just found out will be May 4, unless she goes into labor before then! A new addition to the Hip Stitch family!
Dagmar's sock knitting class finished up this past week - how fun it was to watch the progression as the ladies knit their brightly-colored socks. I hope to be able to make my pair soon.